Top 6 Essentials When Hiking With Your Dog
Hiking is one of my favourite things to do. Hiking with Lily makes things so much better. But making sure she is safe and has everything she needs on our adventures is a must. Here are our top 6 essentials for your dog when hiking.
Water & Bowl
You’ll have your own water packed but your four-legged friend will need to keep hydrated too! Even more so with that extra layer of fur they have keeping them insulated. So be sure to pack extra water. Unless your dog is happy drinking from the bottle, take a look into buying a travel bowl for them to drink out of. There are plenty of different types of travel bowls available; we use a rubber collapsible bowl that can be easily packed away in my rucksack.
Dog Treats
Just a little something to keep them energised on the trek. Something to keep their eyes on you if you need their attention or if they misbehave. Try not to overfeed your dog with treats as it could affect their health in the long run. Consider packing dog food as well as treats to keep them going. Also beneficial if you have to stay the night or get lost.
Lead & Harness
Always carry a lead. Even if your dog is brilliant off lead, some rural walks require dogs to be on a lead, especially on farmland during lambing season. Personally, I would always choose to use a harness. It is an easier way to holster a dog up steep land if they are finding it difficult to climb. They are also better for your dog if they are on the lead for the majority of the hike. Our main harness is a 3 Peaks brand by Pets at Home, but we recently purchased a new harness with pockets on the side for our road trips. Lily loves wearing it and it fully supports her body if she needs lifting over.
ID Tag
Just in case your friend wanders off, you want to know they will be able to make their way home. If you don’t use a collar and only a harness, be sure to attach their tag to their harness and that your dogs chip is up to date with your details. It is now a legal requirement for all dogs to wear ID tags.
Poo Bags/Trowel
Even if you’re on a short hike, be prepared to bury or remove any dog waste. Use your poo bags or bury it with a trowel depending on where you are.
First-Aid Kit
Dogs can be just as clumsy as us humans. Consider taking a canine first-aid course and read up on the subject for more information on what to include in your doggie-friendly first-aid kit. Most items will be the same as what we need, like bandages, tweezers, and cotton swabs.
Additional Items
- Dog brush
- Dog towel for wet walks
- LED collar/tag lights for late walks
So those are our top 6 essentials for your dog when hiking, if you have any other essential items of your own, please let us know! Download our free checklist here. You can now get your dog all ready for the hike, but are you? Make sure you read my top 8 essentials to take on a hike, so you and your companion are fully prepared!